Childrens Ministry

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” - Mark 10:15

Hello Parents and Kids,

Welcome to Kids Ministry! A place where we celebrate, enjoy, and grow in the life that we have in Jesus. Through our sessions, we experience the love of God and the joy of being a part of His great big family with every moment that we spend together.

Sometimes we find ourselves laughing away at some super funny puppet shows and sometimes we find ourselves engrossed in the amazing stories that the Bible holds for us. Sometimes we sing our hearts out and sometimes we dance like nobody’s watching. Sometimes we pray for each other and sometimes we pray with each other. Sometimes the little ones are busy making their crafty masterpieces and sometimes they’re seen donning on their chef’s hat as they whip, flip, stir, pour and dish out some yummy delicacies. Sometimes they munch on their favorite snacks as we watch a movie and sometimes they’re on the edge of their seat trying to win all the fun games that we play.

As teachers, our mission is to share the good news of the gospel to kids through creative ways as we lead them to salvation and help them grow spiritually.